Monday, February 11, 2013

An open letter to That Mom

Dear That Mom,

I saw you today while I was at a red light. You were at the bus stop, leaning over a little boy who looked like he was about 4 years old and he was PISSED! He was flailing on the ground, crying and screaming over who knows what, while everyone else at the bus stop stood at least 10 yards away, lest Screaming Kid is contagious. I'm not a mind reader, but I'd bet money that you were thinking at least one of three things:
  1. Dear God, please stop screaming!!!
  2. How long before someone calls the cops?
  3. For the love of all that is good and holy, please STOP SCREAMING!!!
Girlfriend, I have SOOOO been That Mom. Many times over. I hold a PhD in That Mom.

You probably have seen me at various restaurants around town, desperately trying to shush my kids long enough for us to stuff our faces with our dinner before slinking out, all while pretending I don't see the disapproving glances. I have been tempted to print a shirt that says, "I swear my kids were acting like angels when we left the house, and no I have no fucking idea what set them off and yes, I don't want to eat around them either."

Or you may have seen me in the grocery store checkout line pretending I don't know the kid standing next to me who is weeping and yelling that I'm the Meanest Mom Ever (I've held the title from 2009-2012, and 2013 is looking like my year again too) because I won't buy gum/candy/chips/toys/soda.

And if you fly, I'm the one telling the kid behind you to stop kicking the seat because the nice people in front of us don't like that. (Except for the flight where the other That Mom in the row in front of us allowed her toddler to lean over the seat and throw up in my face, with no apologies to me. Yes, that really happened. And that That Mom had her seat kicked all the way over the Pacific Ocean and I don't feel the least bit bad about it.)

At any rate, That Mom, I'm sorry. I'm sorry your child (or at least a child in your care) was overtired or bored or pissed. I'm sorry that people who have no idea what's going on in your life looked at you and made assumptions. I'm sorry that you felt scared or angry or helpless or all of the above. I'm sorry if you were or felt judged by others who have never walked in your shoes. I'm sure you were doing the best you could with what you had.

That Mom is a sisterhood. Even Puking Toddler That Mom, although her membership is currently under review. We even have a That Dad chapter. We've all been there more times than we care to count.

I hope your little guy decided to suck on the lollipop or play with the toy or agree to whatever stall tactic you employed today. I'm sure we'll see each other again someday soon. Keep on keeping on, That Mom.

That Mom Too, PhD

Winner, Meanest Mom Ever: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012

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